Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Swords for Sale Online

If you are looking for swords for sale online then you have come to the right place. In this article I’m going to arm you with knowledge so that you can properly arm yourself with a sword. Before you run out and buy a sword you should ask yourself why you want one. Are you looking for a sword just as a collection piece to hang on you wall? Maybe you want one to learn how to sword fight? Or maybe you all ready know how to sword fight and you want a real one to use for defense? These factors are going to influence what type of sword you should buy. So let’s look at a few different factors.

Swords for Sale Online- Where to Buy Them?

 Okay so you have decided to buy a sword online and you are wondering where you should buy it. Well there are thousands of web sites out there that are more than happy to sell to you. But which one is best? Well my general rule of thumb is when in doubt go with Amazon. After all amazon generally has a great selection of anything you want and they have a great customer service to back it up. But there are other options such as who might have a better selection. Most of the other sites you might want to be care full of though. Unless you know some one who is willing to vouch for them then you might be ordering a complete piece of junk that looks nothing like the picture.

Swords for Sale Online-What to Look For.

 Okay before you click the link over to Amazon to buy yourself a sword first let’s look at which one you actually want. Most people who are looking for swords for sale online generally fall into one of three categories.

1) Wants something cool to hang on the wall.
This is probably the most common person shopping for a sword. They just want something cool and shiny to put over the mantle place. And nothing says cool and bad-ass like a sword! Also in this group you have the dedicated movie fans who just have to have a replica of Aragorns sword in Lord of the Rings. Nothing wrong with that, personally I have the sword from “Blade”
2) Wants to learn how to sword fight.
The second type of person who wants to buy a sword are the ones who want to learn how to sword fight. For these I would recommend buying a practice sword. These are just wooden swords meant specifically for learning how to sword fight. And they’re usually fairly cheap too!
3) Already a bad ass Ninja and wants to have the tools of the trade.
Okay the final type of person who is shopping for swords for sale online are the ones who know how to use a sword and are just looking for the right one. You know who you are and please please don’t hurt me...

Swords for Sale Online- How Much Do They Cost?

 So how much do swords cost? Well again that depends on what kind you are looking for. A replica sword can cost as little as $20-$30, of course they can go for much more as well. A practice sword can usually be picked up for only around $20 as well. But a real battle ready sword could cost you any where from fifty to a couple hundred bucks. It all depends on what you want and how much you want to spend.
 Well I hope this has helped you in your quest of seeking swords for sale online. Good luck!

1 comment:

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